Construction Site – Fire Safety

Document type: Good Practice Document
Author: Crossrail Ltd
Publication Date: 26/02/2016

  • Abstract

    Best Practice Guides were produced in collaboration with Crossrail’s Tier 1 contractors and other industry specialist bodies e.g. the Fire Protection Association. Guides were produced in response to specific project activities and were aimed at raising Health and Safety standards through the  sharing of knowledge and experience of the companies working on the programme.

    The purpose of this guide is to provide information to help users prevent fires and ensure good standards of fire safety management on Crossrail construction sites. The guide is for use by everyone working on site and provides information and guidance that will help to ensure that the risk of a fire is kept as low as practicable. In addition it provides information on how sites should be set up to ensure that in the event of a fire, everyone is able to leave the site safely and unharmed.

    This document is relevant to any construction site for the management of fire safety risk.

  • Document Links

  • Authors

  • Acknowledgements

    London Fire Brigade

    Construction Industry Publications

    Fire Protection Association