Diagram explaining Change Control at Crossrail
The diagram above provides an overview of how change is managed across the programme in terms of schedule, cost and scope.
Crossrail’s approach to Programme-level change is detailed in the Change Control And Budget Management Procedure.
Three learning legacy micro-reports explain how the baseline scope and budget was established, contingency managed, and how the Change Control Process managed site change, top-down programme change, and cost increase or risk crystallisation from either a Crossrail risk or a Contractor risk.
Summary |
Publication date |
Document Type |
Topic area: Change Management This micro-report describes the process Crossrail used to control change to the Baseline of scope, cost and schedule at Programme level.
27/09/2016 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Change Management This micro-report describes how contingency budgets were established, delegated and managed by Crossrail, and the different categories of contingency budget. It explains the link between contingency and risk management, and control systems.
27/09/2016 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Change Management This micro-report describes the process to establish the Crossrail Programme Baseline and the components of the Baseline, including the high level Work Breakdown Structure.
27/09/2016 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Change Management The purpose of this procedure is to define the processes which apply to the control of change and the management of budgets and forecasts. This procedure covers:
the Change Management process to establish a methodology for the review, mitigation and approval of all changes from the approved Programme Baseline. This in...
26/02/2016 |
Good Practice Document |