As a high profile, highly complex programme with a large number of internal and external stakeholders, Crossrail has diverse user groups for its management information. The reporting hierarchy in the diagram above identifies the range of reports produced by Crossrail to meet varying stakeholder requirements.
The Reporting Procedures Handbook sets out the reporting framework including how Crossrail produces, issues and amends progress reports, reporting timelines and assurance checking.
Reporting processes are supported by effective information systems to hold, aggregate and summarise data, as explicit knowledge. Tacit knowledge is integrated with data in project dashboards which are presented to the programme executive at periodic Project reviews, where those responsible are subject to scrutiny, and are expected to advocate their position. The Periodic Programme Board Report spans the Operational/Strategic space as it adds programme level analysis, and sets the context in which the individual project messages come together to supports external messaging.
Reports are categorised using a programme reporting matrix, to ensure consistency with the needs of the users at their particular level within the organisation, prevent overlap and ensure consistency of language and approach.

Key reports developed by Crossrail include:
- Contractor Dashboard
- Board Report
- Sector Report
- Semi-Annual Construction Report
- H&S Annual Report
- Sustainability Annual Report
A Board Reporting case study details the design and implementation of the Board Report, including requirements definition, graphical design, data sources, interfaces, improvements over time & lessons learned.
Summary |
Publication date |
Document Type |
Topic area: Reporting Crossrail is committed to safely deliver a world class railway, on time, and at the lowest possible cost. It is required of all involved in the delivery and management of the programme to drive efficiency and maximise value for money.
In 2015, the Crossrail leadership team agreed cost reduction targets with key project...
14/03/2017 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Reporting Effective reporting is a result of many separate elements of the Crossrail machine working in harmony to transfer understanding rather than transmit information. To do this in a timely and effective way requires supporting systems and structures and for the value of the outputs to be recognised across the Programme.
24/10/2016 |
Case Study |
Topic area: Reporting The purpose of this handbook is to outline the reporting procedures at Crossrail for producing, issuing and amending progress reports on the programme. It provides information targeted at 3 key groups:
Sponsor, Board, Executive or Crossrail Function members – providing a high level overview of how reporting is carri...
27/09/2016 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Health and Safety improvements The Health and Safety Performance Index (HSPI) is Crossrail’s leading indicator measurement programme, focussed on Crossrail’s 6 Target Zero Pillars, which are considered the foundation for good health and safety management. These are; Leadership & Behaviour; Design for H&S; Communications; Workplace Heal...
27/09/2016 |
Case Study |
Topic area: Programme Controls A programme controls approach was needed to integrate commercial management information, to support decision making at the programme and sector level. Periodic Programme Controls Working Group meetings, combined with data and trend analysis, facilitated a good understanding of commercial performance across each of the ...
26/02/2016 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Innovation Programme Example of a report from the Innovation Programme which fed into the Crossrail period report, describing activities and challenges.
26/02/2016 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Quality ‘Right First Time‘ is a key factor in the success of any project. As part of its quality management process, Crossrail developed a quality dashboard with meaningful metrics that enabled trend analysis and informed decision making to rectify problems and prevent recurrence.
This learning legacy page describes the co...
26/02/2016 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Planning Reporting is a necessary requirement for all projects and developing the methodologies adopted by Crossrail for schedule management and reporting has been key to the success of the programme so far. This learning legacy paper provides an overview of some of the key principles adopted by Crossrail in the delivery of t...
26/02/2016 |
Micro-report |
Topic area: Planning Crossrail defines a commodity as a measurable piece of work (eg, linear metres of tunnelling, track laying, platform concrete poured etc). It was recognised that the early identification and monitoring of key commodities was critical to programme success and effective decision making.
Undertaking Commodity reporting...
26/02/2016 |
Micro-report |