Pre-application Consultation

Crossrail carried out extensive stakeholder and public consultation in advance of the Parliamentary process. In 2003 and 2004 over 50 days of exhibitions were held to explain the proposals at over 30 different locations. Over 200,000 invitations were distributed to the properties of residents and businesses along the proposed route.
In addition Crossrail staff attended many meetings with councillors, local residents associations and businesses.
All consultation activities were planned and organised to comply with:
- the Code of Practice on the Dissemination of Information During Major Infrastructure Developments;
- the Code of Practice on Access to Government Information;
- the Cabinet Office Code of Practice on Government Consultations and
- the Transport and Works Act (Applications and Objections Procedure Rules) 1999 and the associated Guide to Procedures for Applications.
During the pre-Bill consultation, an independent Referee was appointed to whom consultees could make representations if they felt that the Company had not acted according to the Code of Practice on the Dissemination of Information During Major Infrastructure Developments.
The material produced to explain the proposals and the reports of the responses to the consultation are included here as examples of good practice. The learning legacy paper on Organising the Crossrail Consultation Programme, and the Aggregated Consultation Report of September 2005 explain how the consultation was set up and the results.
While government guidance on consultation has developed, including the publication of the revised Consultation Principles, other major infrastructure projects may find the Crossrail experience useful.
Summary |
Publication date |
Document Type |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation This case study explains how Crossrail ran the pre-authorisation consultation process, including setting the strategy, identifying consultees, communicating with property owners, what guidance existed and was used, establishing a helpdesk and a stakeholder database, production of material, resourcing and briefing engin...
13/03/2018 |
Case Study |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation The Crossrail project aimed to incorporate good inclusivity practice into the planning, implementation and operational phases of the operational railway. With a project of the size and complexity of Crossrail the timeframe for completion of construction was lengthy. With that in mind, the Crossrail Equality Impact Asse...
16/01/2006 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation The results of Crossrail’s pre-application consultation were reported after each consultation round. This final, aggregated report was published after the Bill was deposited and describes the consultation process as well as the results. It will be of interest to sponsors and promoters of major projects using ...
30/09/2005 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Panels were produced for display and distribution for Information Rounds ahead of the submission of the initial hybrid Bill and then for each of the Additional Provisions.
These panels were created to give detail of the proposals that were to be submitted to Parliament in the Crossrail Bill in 2005 so that stakeholders...
07/02/2005 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Cross London Rail Links held an information round ahead of the submission of the hybrid Bill in 2005.
This document was produced to provide an overview of the final proposals going into the hybrid Bill being presented to Parliament and to explain the proposals for which powers were to be sought so that stakeholders c...
07/02/2005 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation This document describes the public consultation activities carried out from 5 August, to 27 October, 2004. It explains who was consulted, summarises the comments received and reports on the project’s response to these comments.
It was used to communicate the results of the Round 2 consultation and Crossrail’s r...
07/02/2005 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation During pre-application consultation Crossrail produced a suite of Policy Papers and Position Statements setting out the project position on key matters which would be of concern to consultees. In due course these were revised and updated in consultation with the Department for Transport and published as Information Pap...
01/02/2005 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Cross London Rail Links held a second round of public consultation between August and October 2004.
These panels were created to give detail of the proposals as they stood at the time of the 2004 consultation so that people could understand them and make informed comments.
There were a number of generic panels outlin...
02/08/2004 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation During the first round of public consultation comment was recorded by the project representatives at information centres received in letters and emails and recorded by the helpdesk officers from telephone calls. Data entry required significant resource and trackability of comment to areas and individuals was not as e...
02/08/2004 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Cross London Rail Links held a second round of public consultation on its proposals between 5 August and 27 October, 2004.
This document was produced to provide an overview of Crossrail’s developing proposals and was available at information centres and sent to enquirers along with relevant information panels....
02/08/2004 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation This leaflet was created to invite local residents and businesses and other consultees to the information centre exhibitions held during the second round of public consultation in 2004.
It was delivered by post to properties within 100m of the proposed limits of land to be acquired or used and distributed by hand at pr...
02/08/2004 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation This document describes the public consultation activities carried out from September 2003 to January 2004. It explains who was consulted, summarises the comments received and reports on the Project’s response to these comments.
It was used to communicate the results of the consultation and Crossrail’s response...
02/08/2004 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation A suite of plans was created, and kept updated throughout the life of Crossrail, to assist people to understand the proposals in their geographical context.
These plans were available at information centres during the consultation rounds and sent to enquirers to the Helpdesk. When the Near You section of the Crossrail ...
01/09/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation It was recognised that during consultation consultees would have some common issues that they would raise such as ground settlement, construction noise or land acquisition.
A number of Information leaflets were created covering different aspects of the project which were expected to be of concern. These could be given...
01/09/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Crossrail held a public consultation round in autumn 2003. Ahead of this a public awareness campaign was held from 8 to 29 September 2003 to ensure that residents, businesses and passengers who would be affected by the project had been informed of the coming opportunity to give their views.
This leaflet was distribut...
01/09/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation This leaflet was produced as a basic introduction to the Crossrail proposals. It was first published at the time of the 2003 consultation and updated versions have been produced throughout the life of Crossrail.
It provided a concise summary of the initial project proposal and processes to deliver Crossrail and the rou...
01/09/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation This leaflet was created to invite local residents and businesses and other consultees to the information centre exhibitions held during the 2003 public consultation.
It was delivered by post to properties within the proposed limits of land to be acquired or used and distributed by hand at proposed Crossrail stations a...
01/09/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Cross London Rail Links held a public consultation in autumn 2003.
These panels were created to give detail of the proposals as they stood at the time of the 2003 consultation so that consultees could understand them and make informed comments. They were targeted at all the affected stakeholders from boroughs to indivi...
01/09/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation Crossrail needed to make enquiries to establish land ownership, and carry out ground investigation at the earliest stages of scheme development, before public consultation. This leaflet was created to explain the project and provide contact details to members of the public who were impacted by those information gatheri...
01/05/2003 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Pre-application Consultation To seek views on possible routes for the scheme Cross London Rail Links undertook a Stakeholder Consultation in 2002, including an update in December 2002/January 2003 to add a route option to Richmond. These documents were produced to explain the options and seek comment from stakeholders.
06/05/2002 |
Good Practice Document |
Topic area: Project Initiation and Development The Crossrail programme to deliver the Elizabeth line east–west railway across London, UK, was authorised by the Crossrail Act 2008. It was the culmination of 6 years of planning and development work by an organisation called Cross London Rail Links (CLRL), which was created for the purpose as a joint venture betwe...
22/08/2017 |
Journal Publication |
Topic area: Community Relations The promotion and delivery of the Crossrail programme has involved extensive communication with directly impacted stakeholders and all those interested in the scheme. Starting with initial engagement during route option selection, through pre-authorisation consultation and the Hybrid Bill process, to the extensive pr...
16/08/2017 |
Video |