Maya was the Interoperability Manager for Crossrail where she led the development of the Project Authorisation Strategy for the Central Operating Section of Crossrail and secured the timely authorisation of the complete route for passenger service by the National Safety Authority – the Office of Rail and Road. Currently Maya is currently working with Mott MacDonald as a technical principal and is the Deputy Professional Head Traction and Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Maya has an established reputation for delivering working solutions to systemwide integration issues in the past as the Head of EMC and subsequently Head of System Compatibility at Network Rail. She continues to be the chairman of the EMC Support group to the Vehicle/Train CCS Interface Committee at the Railway Standards and Safety Board and leading/supporting several cross-industry initiatives with the Railway Partners organisation.
Maya has been the convenor of a CENELEC working group on EMC between rolling stock and signalling for more than 10 years. The group is responsible for the production of four European Norms.
Maya is also a registered expert with the Climate, Innovation and Networks Executive Agency to the European Commission and involved in the technical evaluation of ERTMS and Interoperability projects on a regular basis.