This is the first in a series of Crossrail Learning Legacy webinars focused on the Environment Theme, hosted by our partners at CIRIA and IEMA. This webinar aims to provide an overview of the Crossrail Learning Legacy programme and provide an introduction to Crossrail’s approach to dealing with the environmental impact of building a large new infrastructure project.
This webinar will explain how the legacy programme was set up and how sharing knowledge, insight, documents, templates, datasets and access to experts is key to the project. Following on from that the environment theme will be explained.
Building new infrastructure can require the use of significant natural resources and may impact the people and areas surrounding it. Crossrail’s challenge has been to minimise these impacts as much as possible without compromising the need to deliver the project on time and within funding. Protection of the physical environment including natural resources, minimising the impact of noise, vibration and emissions from site operations, beneficial use of excavated materials combined with one of the most extensive archaeological programmes ever undertaken in the UK were all part of a wide environmental remit.
Having set the Legacy programme context this webinar will provide an overview of the content of the environmental Learning Legacy theme that will form the basis to this series of environmental Crossrail Learning Legacy webinars.