Crossrail follows the Waste Resources Action Programme (WRAP) supported Designing Out Waste process, identifying opportunities in a collaborative work shop including client, designer & contractor. Once opportunities are identified they are placed on an opportunities matrix. This allows for higher impact and more easily adoptable opportunities to be prioritised.
The Designing Out Waste learning legacy resources contain:
- WRAP Designing Out Waste Actions Summary identified for one of Crossrail’s underground stations
- Designing Out Waste Opportunities Appraisal– Excel spreadsheet developed to categorise opportunities in accordance with the Opportunities matrix
- An example opportunities matrix as shown below:

A similar approach can be adopted to other projects to bring rigour and consistency to the process of identifying opportunities for designing out waste.
“We held a Designing Out Waste workshop, using these resources, with key members of the Custom House design team to identify opportunities where we could reduce waste. It was early on in the process so there was still plenty of opportunity to influence the station design to ensure that waste was minimised. The off-site fabrication for the station canopy reduced the off-cuts of material onsite. We also identified materials with a high recycled content and allowed for modular build to facilitate flexibility in maintenance”. Laura Russell (Sustainability Manager HS2, formally Atkins)