Archaeology archive – Stepney Green
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset contains the desk study, WSIs, and fieldwork reports for works at Stepney Green. Crossrail shaft construction at Stepney Green required investigation and recording focussed on the historical site of Worcester House, a moated manor house constructed by the Marquis of Worcester in 1597. The remains of several other important buildings that occupied the east end of Stepney Green over a 500 year period were also recorded.
Document Links
Stepney Green Shafts Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: This report presents the results of an Archaeological Detailed Desk-Based Assessment (DDBA) of the Stepney Green shafts, located within the Central Section. This report assesses the impact of proposed Crossrail works on archaeological deposits that may survive within the site.
C123_STG_SSWSI _V8 JL rev Signed Decal.pdf
2011: WSI for archaeology works at Stepney Farm Crossrail site.
C261 XRV10 STG Stepney Green Excavation Interim Statement.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the results of trial trench evaluation and two general watching briefs carried out at Stepney Green.
C261 STG XRV10 Stepney Green Excavation Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of the detailed archaeological excavation that took place at Stepney Green in advance of the construction of the Crossrail shaft.
C261 STG XRV10 Stepney Green Evaluation and GWBs FieldworkReport.pdf
2013: Fieldwork report setting out the results of trial trench evaluation and general watching briefs carried out at Stepney Green.
C261 STG XRV10 Stepney Green Evaluation and GWB Interim Statement.pdf
2011: Interim report setting out the results of trial trench evaluation and two general watching briefs carried out at Stepney Green.
C261 STG XRV10 Geoarchaeological and brick sampling strategy.pdf
2011: Document setting out the geoarchaeological and brick sampling methodology on features revealed during the excavation at Stepney Green.
C261 C261 STG XRV10 Stepney Green Shafts Watching Briefs Fieldwork report.pdf
2015: This report presents the results of an archaeological excavation and a series of watching briefs carried out by the Museum of London archaeology (MOLA) on the site of Stepney Green, London E1, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The activities monitored included: Geotechnical trial pits, new soakaway trenches and a handwash water connection at Stepney City Farm; Thames Water Utilities connection at Stepney City Farm and the King John Street entrance to the worksite; a new fire/emergency water main in Stepney Green (road) and Level monitoring points and boreholes.
STG XRV10 Stepney Green Shafts Amendment to SS WSI General Watching Briefs.pdf
2012: This document is an amendment to the WSI to clarify the requirement for archaeological watching briefs on the bulk excavation works in the shaft, at works associated with construction of two new facility buildings at Stepney City Farm and the installation of instrumentation & monitoring equipment at St Dunstans Church.
C261 STG XRV10 Addendum to SS WSI Stepney Green Shaft.pdf
2010: Addendum to the Written Scheme of Investigation setting of the scope of works for archaeological trial trench evaluation and excavation at the Stepney Green worksite.