Archaeology archive – Victoria Dock Portal, Custom House and Connaught Tunnel
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset includes the WSIs, desk studies, and fieldwork reports for Victoria Dock Portal, Custom House and Connaught tunnel.
At Victoria Dock Portal the geo-archaeological sequence consisted of evidence for a meandering river of potentially early Holocene date, with tidal creeks forming adjacent to it. Of interest is the evidence for a fluvial or extreme weather event at the eastern end of the site.
The 19th century Barge Public House, at Custom House, was recorded in advance of its demolition for the construction of the new Custom House Station.
The 19th century railway Connaught Tunnel was recorded before it was modified to accommodate the new trains.
Document Links
Victoria Dock Portal Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: Desk based assessment of the archaeological potential at the Crosssrail Victoria Dock Portal worksite.
C156 VDP NWP CUS Archaeological Monitoring of Ground Investigations Borehole Package 19.pdf
2010: This document reports briefly on the results of monitoring selected geotechnical boreholes (Package 19) at the site of the Victoria Dock Portal, Custom House Station and at North Woolwich Portal.
C263 XSX11 Victoria Dock Portal Fieldwork Report Archaeological Evaluation and Watching Brief.pdf
2014: This report covers three evaluation trenches, and a targeted watching brief carried out by the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on the western half of the portal by Royal Victoria Dock, London Borough of Newham.
C263 VDP XSX11 Victoria Dock Portal GWB Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of generakl watching watch carried out on utility diversions around Victoria Dock Road and Seagull Lane, realting to the Victoria Dock Portal worksite.
C122 VDP Victoria Dock Portal Custom House Station and Connaught Tunnel Worksites Package 30 GI Monitoring and Deposit Model Report.pdf
2011: Deposit model for the Victoria Dock Portal and Custom House Station using geotechnical data from Crossrail borehole and trial pit surveys.
C263 The Barge NLBH Interim Statement V2.pdf
2013: Interim statement detailing the Non-listed built heritage recording of the Barge Public House within the future Crossrail Custom House Station site
C263 The Barge NLBH Fieldwork report V3 31.01.2014.pdf
2014: This report presents the results of the non-listed built heritage recording (NLBH), undertaken in advance of the demolition of The Barge public house prior to the construction of an extension to Custom House Station.
C263 Custom House Evaluation Fieldwork Report v2.pdf
2014: This report covers four evaluation trenches, and two geotechnical boreholes carried out by the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on the site of the future Crossrail Custom House Station, London Borough of Newham.
C263 Custom House Archaeological Evaluation Interim Statement v2.pdf
2013: Interim statement detailing the archaeological excavation and watching brief carried out at the location of the future Crossrail Custom House Station.
C263_Connaught Tunnel Pumphouse and Air Vents Non Listed Built Heritage Recording Report.pdf
2013: Building recording report setting out the results of the recording of the Connaught Tunnel.
C263 CON XSY11 Connaught Tunnel Non Listed Built Heritage Recording Interim Statement.pdf
2011: Interim Statement outlining the initial results of the building recording carried out at Connaught Tunnel.
C263 CON XSY11 Connaught Tunnel Evaluation Interim Statement.pdf
2013: Interim Report covering an archaeological evaluation located within the surface rail alignment for the Crossrail Connaught Tunnel.
C263 CON XSY11 Connaught Fieldwork Report v3.pdf
2013: Fieldwork report presenting the results of a trial trench evaluation comprising four trenches on the site of Connaught Tunnel, London, E16.
C122 CON Connaught Tunnel WB Addendum to WSI.pdf
2012: Addendum to WSI for watching brief at Connaught Tunnel. This document is an addendum to the Written Scheme of Investigation for Connaught Tunnel and Surface Rail (C122-OVE-T1-GMS-CR146_WS158-00002) and should be read in conjunction with that document.
CUS Custom House Written Scheme of Investigation C520.pdf
2012: Written Scheme of Investigation setting out the scope of archaeological works at the Custom House worksite.
CUS Custom House Addendum to WSI Custom House Station Archaeological Trenches 2 4 C315 Early Works.pdf
2012: Addendum to the WSI setting out the archaeological works required to mitigate impacts of surface rail construction activities on potential buried archaeological resources at Custom House Station. It sets out the location and recording activities required for three archaeological evaluation trenches, numbered Tr2, Tr3 and Tr4.
VDP XSX11 Victoria Dock Portal and DLR Realignment Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2011: Written Scheme of Investigation setting out the programme of archaeological works required at the Victoria Dock Portal worksite.