Archaeology archive – Farringdon Station
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset comprises desk study, WSIs, building recording and archaeology fieldwork reports, associated with Crossrail Farringdon Station. Works were conducted between 2009 and 2015.
During the excavation of a grout shaft in Charterhouse Square in March 2013, Crossrail uncovered evidence for a 14th-15th century Black Death burial ground at this location.
During the excavation of the Farringdon Eastern Ticket hall remains relating to expansion of the city in the 16th to 17th-centuries was excavated. An important assemblage of well-preserved medieval leather-work was also found preserved within the fills of the ancient Faggeswell Brook and an associated area of marshy ground and a pond.
Document Links
Farringdon Station Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: Desk based assessment of the archaeological potential at the Farringdon Station Crossrail worksites.
C257 FAR XTE12 Excavation and WB Farringdon interim statement
2014: This Interim Statement, enhanced with finds and environmental results, covers an archaeological watching brief and excavation carried out in the location of the Farringdon Eastern Ticket Hall by the C257 Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA). In addition, it includes a brief note on a call-out under general watching brief provisions to animal bone found in utilities diversion works in Farringdon Road on 01/05/13.
C257 FAR XTE12 Charterhouse Grout Shaft Interim Statement
2013: This Interim Report covers an archaeological targeted watching brief at the location of the Charterhouse Square Grout Shaft at the Crossrail Farringdon Eastern Ticket Hall
C257 XSF10 FAR RBS TWB Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of the targeted watching brief on the excavation of a test pit at the north-western corner of Charterhouse Square.
C257 XSF10 FAR Farringdon Station Evaluation Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report for the trial trench evaluation carried out in the footprint of the new Eastern Ticket Hall at Farringdon.
C257 XSF10 FAR Farringdon Lindsey St Bridge WB Interim Statement.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the results of an archaeological/built heritage watching brief that monitored the excavation of structural test pits being carried out adjacent to the listed Lindsey Street Bridge.
C257 XSF10 FAR Farringdon Evaluation Interim Statement.pdf
2011: Interim statement for the trial trench evaluation carried at the site of the Eastern Ticket Hall at Farringdon.
C257 FAR XSF10 RBS TWB Interim Report
2012: This Interim Report covers an archaeological targeted watching brief at the location of the future Crossrail Farringdon Eastern Ticket Hall, by C257 Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA).More extensive background, results, and conclusions will be included in the Fieldwork Report.
C257 FAR XTE12 Charterhouse boreholes watching brief report.pdf
2015: This report presents the results of an archaeological targeted watching brief carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on boreholes within Charterhouse Square Gardens, in the London Borough of Islington. A series of six inclined boreholes were drilled, and the columns were observed and recorded to the surface of the terrace gravels. This revealed a sequence of deposits indicating natural terraced gravels, disturbed by possible quarrying or ditch digging activity, overlain by a series of post-medieval levelling deposits and cultivated or garden soil.
C257 FAR XSF10 Farringdon Watching Brief Utilities Diversion Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of general and targeted watching briefs carried out on utilities diversions around the Farringdon Eastern Ticket Hall worksite.
C257 FAR Shunters rooms SBR report
2013: Level 2 building recording of the Shunters Rooms below Lindsey Street bridge, forming part of the Eastern Ticket Hall site at Farringdon.
C136 XRU10 FAR Eastern Ticket Hall Non Listed Built Heritage Recording Report.pdf
2011: Level 2 English Heritage building recording report for the non-listed buildings that occupied the Eastern Ticket hall site at Farringdon.
C136 SWN T1 XAP M123_WS098 00001_Rev5 FINAL.pdf
2012: Addendum to WSI: Detailed Excavation and Watching Brief
Farringdon Station – Eastern Ticket Hall (XSF10) -
Farringdon SS WSI.pdf
2009: Site Specific Written Scheme of Investigation for Crossrail works at Farringdon