Archaeology archive – Old Oak Common Depot
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset includes a desk study, WSI and several fieldwork reports describing the extensive building recording and archaeology investigation at Old Oak Common. In November 1898 an ambitious scheme of works was put forward to solve the congestion affecting the approaches to Paddington station on the Great Western Railway.
Old Oak Common was one of the most up-to-date locomotive repair facilities in the country when it opened in 1906. It was built under the guidance of George Jackson Churchward, GWR’s Locomotive Superintendent. The depot survived the demise of steam locomotives, and was decommissioned in 2009. The new train depot will eventually be built on the site.
Prior to demolition, the buildings and surviving equipment were recorded. Many of the most significant historical items were salvaged.
Document Links
Old Oak Common Worksites Archaeological Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2010: Desk study for the Old Oak Common Depot site. Built under the auspices of the GWR’s Locomotive Superintendent George Jackson Churchward, the Old Oak Common locomotive depot was one of the most up-to-date locomotive repair facilities in the country when it opened in 1906. A combination of tried and-tested construction techniques and modern materials was used to create a depot capable of accommodating and servicing the company’s latest and largest locomotives. Churchward took advantage of readily available electrical power and procured a range of the latest electrically-operated machinery for the new depot.
OldOakCommonWorksitesNon ListedBuiltHeritageRecordingof70Turntable 2.0.pdf
2010: This report presents the results of a non-listed built heritage (NLBH) assessment of a locomotive turntable at the Old Oak Common Crossrail Worksites,The site comprises a corridor of land presently occupied by a complex of railway facilities including stabling sidings, carriage sheds, workshops and other elements. The study area for the NLBH assessment comprises the Maintenance Depot in the northern half of the Old Oak Common site, although the present report is confined to the turntable.
C254 OOC XSU10 Old Oak Common NLBH Recording Interim Report.pdf
2013: Interim report setting out the preliminary results of a programme of non-listed built heritage recording at Old Oak Common Train Maintenance Depot in Acton.
C254 Old Oak Common Salvage Recommendations Report.pdf
2011: Report prepared to support the Interim Non-listed Built Heritage recording and detailing the historic items recommended for salvage at the Old Oak Common Train Maintenance Depot in Acton.
C254 OOC XSU10 Archaeological Works at Old Oak Common Fieldwork report.pdf
2016: The archaeological works were carried out intermittently from March 2011 until April 2015 and comprised Trial Trenching, Targeted and General Watching Briefs. These took place during the demolition and remodelling of a former Motive Power Depot to create a maintenance depot and stabling facilities for Bombardier Rail who will be responsible for the maintenance and servicing of Crossrail traction and rolling stock.
C254 OOC XSU10 Non listed Built Heritage Recording at Old Oak Common Acton.pdf
2016: During 2010 and 2011, Oxford Archaeology, in partnership with Ramboll (OA Ramboll, Crossrail contract C254) undertook a programme of non-listed built heritage recording (NLBH) at Old Oak Common Train Maintenance Depot in Acton, London, on behalf of Crossrail. The work took place in advance of a major redevelopment of the site which required the demolition of most of its buildings. The recording provides additional information to a Detailed Desk-based Assessment of the site (Non-Listed Built Heritage) undertaken by Pre-Construct Archaeology (PCA).
C254 XSU10 OOC Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2011: WSI for the programme of archaeological works being carried out at Old Oak Common.