Archaeology archive – Bond Street Station
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset covers Crossrail archaeology works at Davies Street and Hanover Square London W1, the sites for the Western and Eastern Ticket Halls for the new Bond St station. A desk study, WSIs and results of built heritage and archaeology recording works are included.
The Davies Street excavation revealed a channel infilled with alluvial deposits associated with the ancient Tyburn River valley system and the remains of 18th century stables, St Anselm’s School, St Anselm’s Church and 65 Davies Street, the former British Council HQ, which was demolished ahead of construction for Crossrail. Very few archaeology remains were identified at Hanover Square as the site had been largely truncated by 1960s and 1970s developments.
Document Links
Bond Street Station Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: Desk based assessment of the archaeological potential at the Crossrail Bond Street worksites.
C257 BOS CXG10 Bond Street Station 65 Davies Street Historic Building Recording Interim Statement.pdf
2010: Interim statement setting out the results of an internal survey assessment of the non-listed built heritage features at 65 Davies Street to determine the need for, and level of, mitigation works required.
C254 BOS XSG10 Bond Street Watching Briefs at 18 19 Hanover Square Fieldwork.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of a series of archaeological investigations in the vicinity of the Crossrail’s new Bond Street Station Western Ticket Hall, centred around 65 Davies Street and the Eastern Ticket Hall, centred around Hanover Square.
C254 BOS XSC10 Excavation at Bond Street Station Interim Report.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the results of a test pit evaluation carried out at 65 Davies Street at the Bond Street worksite.
C254 BOS XSC10 Bond Street Watching Briefs Interim Statement.pdf
2011: Interim Statement setting out the preliminary results from watching briefs carried out in the vicinity of the Bond Street worksite.
C254 BOS XSC10 Bond Street Station Evaluation Interim Report.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the results of a test pit evaluation carried out at 65 Davies Street at the Bond Street worksite.
C254 BOS XSC10 Bond Street Station Evaluation Fieldwork Report.pdf
2013: Fieldwork report setting out the results of Crossrail archaeological evaluation at 65 Davies Street, Bond Street.
C132 BOS CXG10 Bond Street Station Western Ticket Hall 65 Davies Street Historic Building Recording Report.pdf
2010: Interim statement setting out the results of an internal survey assessment of the non-listed built heritage features at 65 Davies Street to determine the need for, and level of, mitigation works required.
C132 BOS CXE10 Bond Street Station Hanover Square Dering Street and Tenterden Street Utility Diversions Watching Brief Report.pdf
2011: Fieldwork report setting out the results of watching brief carried out on four utility trenches in Dering Street, Tenterden Street and Hannover Square.
C132 BOS CFX10 Bond Street Station Western Ticket Hall 65 Davies Street Test Pit Evaluation Report.pdf
2010: Fieldwork report setting out the results of an archaeological test pit evaluation in advance of development of the Crossrail Bond Street Station at 65 Davies Street.
C254 BOS XSC10 Archaeological Watching brief in the vicinity of Bond Street Station Fieldwork report.pdf
2016: A programme of archaeological investigations were undertaken by Oxford Archaeology/Ramboll UK (OAR), in the vicinity Bond Street Station, City of Westminster, London W1 (between TQ 28486 80971 and TQ 28904 81124).The intermittent watching brief works which, commenced in June 2010 and continued through to February 2013, comprised the monitoring and recording of works prior to and during the construction of the Crossrail Bond Street Station (Ticket Halls East and West). The works monitored were generally relatively shallow, with the exception of the excavation of Grout Shafts and bulk excavations at 65 Davies Street (Western Ticket Hall)
C254 BOS XSC10 Bond Street Fieldwork report
2016: During September 2010, Oxford Archaeology/Gifford undertook an archaeological excavation at 65 Davies Street, Westminster, London. The fieldwork was undertaken on behalf of Crossrail in advance of construction of a Western Ticket Hall for Crossrail. The excavation revealed a channel infilled with alluvial deposits associated with the Tyburn River valley system and the remains of overlying late 18th- to 20th-century deposits and structures
C132 XSC10 XSG10 BOS Bond Street Station Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2012: Written Scheme of Investigation for the archaeological works being carried out at the Bond Street Station worksites.
C132 XSC10 Bond Street Station Addendum to WSI.pdf
2010: Addendum to the WSI, providing details of the programme of archaeological investigation required to evaluate and mitigate the impact of the removal of the basement slab and other obstructions at the Western Ticket Hall (WTH), Bond Street Station (BOS) on archaeological deposits.