Archaeology archive – Paddington Station
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset contains the desk study, WSIs, and fieldwork recording reports for Crossrail archaeology and built heritage works in the vicinity of the Grade 1 listed Paddington Station.
Several features associated with the Great Western Railway’s 19th century Paddington Goods Yards and Paddington Station were recorded during the project. Geo-archaeological records were made of Pleistocene deposits in Eastbourne Terrace.
Document Links
Paddington Station Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: Desk Study describing the archaeology and heritage background at the Paddington Station work sites for Crossrail.
C131 PAD Paddington Integrated Project Paddington Station Milk Ramp Building Recording.pdf
2011: This document presents the results of the second stage of building recording works on the London Street Deck ahead of construction works. It reports specifically on the Milk Ramp and should be read in conjunction with Paddington Station: Building Recording at the London Street Deck, which reports on the wider Red Star Deck area.
C254_ XSD10_Eastbourne Terrace Trenches Fieldwork Report _Rev2.pdf
2014: The evaluation, consisting of two machine dug test pits, identified substantial “made ground” deposits overlying layers of alluvium and brickearth. Layers of Pleistocene gravel and sands, parts of the River Terrace Gravel formation were uncovered at the base of both test pits. “Tufa” rich clay deposits of probable Pleistocene date were identified in Test Pit 2. No artefacts or ecofacts were visible in any of these deposits.
C254 PAD XSD10 Paddington Station Eastbourne Terrace Evaluation Interim Report.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the preliminary results from archaeological trial trench evaluation at Eastbourne Terrace, Paddington.
C254 Building recording report_Departures Road_Eastbourne Terrace_Rev2.pdf
2015: This document reports on the historic building recording of the Departures Road area of Paddington station (NGR TQ 265 813). The main recording work was undertaken in 2009 by Scott Wilson Ltd on behalf of Crossrail. The main report was prepared by Rebecca Lane. Fieldwork was carried out by members of the Scott Wilson Heritage team.
C131 PAD PIP Triangle Building Recording Report.pdf
2010: Level 2 English Heritage building recording report for non-listed structures within the PIP Triangle site, Paddington.
C254 PAD XSD10 Eastbourne Terrace Wooden Sett Roadway Characterisation.pdf
2016: An archaeological watching brief has been maintained on Crossrail works carried out in the locality of Paddington Station. One element of the observation work has been the recording and characterisation of a wooden sett roadway in Departures Road. This document summarises that characterisation in order to inform the potential incorporation of salvaged blocks into the proposed paving design around the Crossrail station.
C254 PAD XSE10 Building recording Paddington Station Milk Ramp.pdf
2016: This building record of the Milk Ramp, which forms part of the London Street (Red Star Deck), Paddington Station, is submitted in response to a specification (Doc ref: CR-SD-WES- CN-AE-00005) prepared as a requirement of the Heritage Agreements between the Statutory Undertaker the City of Westminster and English Heritage. The purpose of the work is to create an accurate record and thorough understanding of the structural elements that will be affected by the scheme works.
C254 PAD XSE10 Paddington Integrated Project PIP archaeological Fieldwork report.pdf
2016: A programme of archaeological investigations were undertaken by Oxford Archaeology/Ramboll UK (OAR), in the vicinity of Paddington Station, City of Westminster, London W2. The intermittent watching brief works, which were carried out as part of the Paddington Integrated Project (PIP) Crossrail works, commenced in September 2010 and continued through to July 2012.
PAD Paddington Station General Watching Brief during Bulk Excavation of the Crossrail Paddington Station Box Addendum to WSI.pdf
2012: Addendum to WSI setting out monitoring works required (following evaluation trial trenches), during the bulk excavation of the Eastbourne Terrace station box.
PAD PIP Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2010: WSI setting out the scope of work for archaeology and heritage works at the Paddington Integrated Project site, on the north side of the station.
C130 PAD Paddington Station Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2011: Paddington WSI setting out scope and specification of archaeology and heritage works for the Crossrail Project.
C254 PAD XSD10 Paddington Station Watching brief Fieldwork report.pdf
2016: Intermittent watching brief works were commenced in June 2010 and continuedthrough to January 2014. These comprised the monitoring of works prior to and during the construction of the Crossrail Paddington Station and recording of below ground structures and strata.