Archaeology archive – Pudding Mill Lane
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset includes desk study, WSIs, and fieldwork reports for works in and around the River Lea.
Excavations at Pudding Mill Lane portal produced evidence for earlier industry. Several rows of timber posts with wattle frames in between them were found which possibly represent the remains of fish weirs or revetments for a mill race. Radiocarbon dating revealed that the structures were established by the mid-15th century.
Water mills and fish weirs existed on the River Lea since medieval times and street names such as Pudding Mill Lane reflect this. However, fish weirs had been a problem for other river users for centuries. Historic records of 1571 show that barge owners petitioned the City of London to allow removal of weirs from the river as their numbers were seriously impeding navigation.
Document Links
C262 PML XPM09 Pudding Mill Lane Non listed Built Heritage Recording Report.pdf
2010: Building recording report setting out the results of the Historic Building Recording of two buildings of non-listed built heritage – part of former works premises, at Cook’s Road prior to their demolition in advance of the construction of the Pudding Mill Lane Portal.
C262 PML XPM09 Pudding Mill Lane Interim Geoarchaeological Statement.pdf
2009: Interim statement based upon rapid desk-based assessment of the initial results of borehole survey undertaken at the Crossrail Pudding Mill Lane Portal.
C262 PML XPM09 Pudding Mill Lane Geoarchaeological Assessment Report.pdf
2010: Geoarchaeological assessment report setting out the results of a programme of geotechnical borehole and trial pit monitoring in the area of the Pudding Mill Lane Portal, Newham.
C261 XSK10 PML National Grid area GWB Fieldwork report.pdf
2016: This report presents the results of an archaeological general watching brief carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on Crossrail remediation works within Pudding Mill Lane Portal, National Grid bulk supply point, in the London Borough of Newham. This report was commissioned from MOLA by Crossrail Ltd. This work is being undertaken as part of a wider programme to mitigate the archaeological implications of railway development proposals along the Crossrail route.
C261 XSK10 PML EIP TBM Evaluation Interim Statement.pdf
2012: Interim statement outlining the results of the trial trench evaluation in the footprint of the EIP/TBM box at Pudding Mill Lane.
C261 PML XSK10 Pudding Mill Lane TWB EIP TBM Chamber Cut and Cover Section 1 GWB Sewer Interim Statement.pdf
2013: This enhanced Interim Statement sets out the preliminary results from Crossrail archaeological excavation and watching briefs carried out at the location of the future Crossrail Pudding Mill Portal. The report incorporates the results of an Archaeological Test Pit Evaluation, on which an earlier Interim Statement has been written (C261-MLA-X-RGN-CR140-50057).
C261 Ham and Wick Sewer TWB FieldworkReport v2 18.03.15.pdf
2015: This report presents the results of an archaeological targeted watching brief carried out by the Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on the site of the Ham and Wick Lane Sewer Diversion Site, Hackney Wick, London E3, in the London Borough of Tower Hamlets. The report was commissioned from MOLA by Crossrail Ltd. This work is being undertaken as part of a wider programme of assessment to quantify the archaeological implications of railway development proposals along the Crossrail route. The worksite is located between Wrexham Road and Baldock Street to the south and Wick Lane to the north-east, west of the Blackwall Tunnel Approach Road at Bow.
C261 PML XSK10 Cut and Cover Fieldwork report.pdf
2016: This report presents the results of an archaeological watching briefs carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) at the Crossrail Pudding Mill Lane Portal, including a coffer dam in the River Lea, a grout shaft and cut and cover tunnel areas 2B and 3 (together with part of a covered ramp) in the London Borough of Newham.
PML XSK10 Pudding Mill Lane Portal Addendum to WSI Trial Trench Evaluation Watching Brief Detailed Excavation.pdf
2012: Addendum to the WSI providing details of the programme of archaeological investigation required to mitigate the impact of construction of the Pudding Mill Lane Portal on archaeological deposits during the main works.
Pudding Mill Lane ArchaeologySite SpecificWrittenSchemeofInvestigation 3.1.pdf
2010: Sets out the mitigation strategy for archaeology and non-listed built heritage at the Crossrail Pudding Mill Lane worksites. An addendum to the WSI was produced in 2012 following Phase 1 evaluation work.
C122 HAM Ham Wick Sewer Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2012: Written Scheme of Investigation detailing the programme of archaeological works relating to the Ham and Wick Lane sewer diversion works.