Archaeology archive – Tottenham Court Road Station
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset contains the desk studies, WSIs, historic building reports and archaeology fieldwork reports for Crossrail works carried out at Tottenham Court Road station. The work covers three main areas; the western ticket hall in Dean Street, the Eastern Ticket Hall at Charing Cross Road, and investigation in Soho Square associated with grout shaft construction.
Document Links
Tottenham Court Road Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: Desk-based assessment of the archaeological potential at the Crossrail Tottenham Court Road worksites.
C262 TCR Tottenham Court Road Dean Street South Block Non listed Built Heritage Recording Interim Statement.pdf
2010: Interim report setting out the preliminary results of a programme of historic building recording of specific non listed built heritage within the southern block at Dean St.
C262 TCR Tottenham Court Road Dean Street North Block Non listed Built Heritage Recording Interim Statement.pdf
2010: Interim report setting out the preliminary results of a programme of historic building recording of specific non listed built heritage within the northern block at Dean St.
C254 OXF T1 RGN CRG03 50148 building recording 94 Dean street TCR FWR Rev3.pdf
2014: A programme of building recording was undertaken at 94 Dean Street, Soho, London prior to its demolition in 2010 to enable the construction of a new Tottenham Court Road Station for Crossrail. The recording included an initial phase, undertaken in January 2009 by Scott Wilson while the building was still occupied, and a second phase undertaken during the soft-strip in 2010 by Oxford Archaeology/Ramboll.
C254 XRX10 TCR Tottenham Court Road West Interim Report.pdf
2010: Interim statement setting out the preliminary results from archaeological excavations at Dean Street (South Block).
C254 XRX10 TCR Tottenham Court Road North Excavation Interim Statement.pdf
2010: Interim statement outlining the results of the archaeological excavation carried out at Dean St (North Block).
C254 TCR XRY10 Tottenham Court Road Station Building Recording Interim Report.pdf
2013: Report setting out the interim building recording results for building recording at 94 and 96 Dean Street and 5a Great Chapel Street, Tottenham Court Road.
C254 TCR XRX10 Tottenham Court Road Test Pit Evaluation Interim Report.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the preliminary results from a test pit evaluation at Tottenham Court Road Western Ticket Hall in London.
C254 TCR XRX10 Tottenham Court Rd Fieldwork report for Evaluation and Excavation.pdf
2015: A series of archaeological investigations were undertaken on a block of land between Great Chapel Street and Dean Street in Westminster, London. Initial evaluation works took place between June and July 2010 and subsequent excavations occurred during October and November 2010. Oxford Archaeology/Gifford (OAG*) carried out the fieldwork on behalf of Crossrail as part of early works in the construction of a new Tottenham Court Road station (the Western Ticket Hall).
C254 Fieldwork Report Building Recording 5a Great Chapel Street Rev2.pdf
2013: Report: A programme of building recording has been undertaken at No 5a Great Chapel Street in Soho, London prior to its demolition as part of the redevelopment of Tottenham Court Road Station for Crossrail.
C134 TCR Tottenham Court Road Non listed Built Heritage Recording Report.pdf
2010: Building recording report setting out the results of English Heritage Level 1 survey of non-listed built heritage in two blocks of land forming the northern end of Dean Street.
C134 TCR CXD10 Tottenham Court Road Dean Street Utility Diversions Watching Brief Report.pdf
2011: Fieldwork report setting out the results of archaeological watching brief undertaken during the excavation of a trench and a trial pit for service diversions in Dean Street and Great Chapel Street.
C254 TCR XRX10 Tottenham Court Road Station watching brief fieldwork report.pdf
2016: Oxford Archaeology/Ramboll (OAR) undertook a series of archaeological watching briefs in the vicinity of the Crossrail Tottenham Court Road station (the Western Ticket Hall) and around Great Chapel Street, Dean Street and Soho Square, London W1. The intermittent works commenced in June 2010 and continued through to July 2012
C134 TCR Tottenham Court Road Written Scheme of Investigation.pdf
2011: Written Scheme of Investigation for the archaeological works being carried out accross the TCR worksites.
TCR Tottenham Court Road Building Recording at 5a Great Chapel Street Addendum to WSI.pdf
2010: Addendum to the WSI providing details of heritage recording activities required at Tottenham Court Road Station Western Ticket Hall in advance of demolition works. In particular this document sets out the requirements for recording works at 5a Great Chapel Street.
TCR Tottenham Court Road Detailed Excavation Phase Northern Block TCR West Addendum to WSI.pdf
2010: Addendum to the WSI setting out details of the archaeological excavation required to mitigate the impact of construction of TCR West Station on archaeological finds located during the Trial Pit Evaluation phase. It sets out the location and recording activities required at Tottenham Court Road Station Western Ticket Hall following demolition works in the northern block.