Archaeology archive – Liverpool Street Station
type: Dataset
Crossrail Ltd
Date: 19/07/2016
This dataset contains the desk study, WSIs, archaeology reports and built heritage reports for work carried out at four worksites for the new Liverpool Street Station area (Liverpool Street, Bloomfield Street, Finsbury Circus and Moorgate).
There are 2,000 years of history buried beneath the site of Crossrail’s Liverpool Street station site, including a Roman road and cemetery, the Lost River Walbrook and Moorfields marsh, the precinct of St Mary Bethlehem medieval priory and hospital, the former Bedlam burial ground (1569-1730) and the foundations of the former Broad Street railway station (1863-1986). The work on these sites was featured in a Channel 4 television documentary in 2015.
Document Links
Liverpool Street Station Detailed Desk Based Assessment.pdf
2008: Desk based assessment of the archaeological potential at the Liverpool Street worksites at Moorgate, Finsbury Circus, Blomfield Street and Liverpool Street.
C257 LSS85 LIS Summary of LSS85 Archive Broadgate Excavations.pdf
2012: A short summary of the archive for site LSS85 – which comprised archaeological excavation prior to the construction of the Broadgate complex and which partially excavated the Bethlem burial ground.
101 Moorgate DBA V2.0 120911.pdf
2011: Desk-based assessment carried out in support of a planning application for an over-site development at 91-101 Moorgate.
C257 LIS XSP10 Archaeological Evaluation 91-109 Moorgate Interim Statement
2011: This document is an interim statement of the results of an archaeological evaluation on one test pit (in the original location of trench 6) through the basement of 91-109 Moorgate (predemolition of the building) prior to a fieldwork evaluation being carried out post-demolition of the building.
C257 LIS XSP10 Archaeological Watching Briefs on Sewer Diversions at Moorgate Shaft Fieldwork Report
2013: This report presents the results of targeted and general watching briefs carried out in 2012 by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on sewer diversions, and a foundation for future over-site development (OSD), at the Moorgate Shaft worksite, 91-109 Moorgate and 17-31 Moorfields, London EC2, in the City of London, as part of works for the future Crossrail Liverpool Street Station.
C257 XSP10 LIS Moorgate Evaluation and Boreholes Interim Statement.pdf
2012: Interim report outlining the results of the trial trench evaluation and boreholes that were carried out in the footprint of the Moorage Shaft at 91-109 Moorgate.
C257 XSP10 LIS Moorgate Evaluation and Boreholes Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report for the trial trench evaluation and borehole monitoring at the site of the Moorgate Shaft
C257 LIS XSP10 Moorgate Excavation and Watching Brief Interim Report
2014: This Interim Statement covers an archaeological watching brief and excavation carried out in the location of the Moorgate shaft by the C257 Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA).
C257 LIS XSP10 Moorgate OSD Watching Brief Interim Statement.pdf
2012: Interim statement setting out the preliminary results from a watching brief carried out during excavations within the Moorgate worksite relating to the piling and construction of an over-site development.
C257 LIS XSP10 Moorgate combined utilities general watching brief Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of a series of general watching briefs carried out around the Moorgate worksite.
LIS XRF09 Liverpool Street and London Wall Watching Brief and Evaluation Utilities trial trenches November 2009.pdf
2010: Report from 2009 setting out the results of exploratory trenches in Liverpool Street and London Wall to identify the locations of utilities and survivial of the City Wall Scheduled Monument.
LIS Liverpool Street London Wall Moorgate Blomfield Street Old Broad Street Bishopsgate Past Observations of City Wall.pdf
2009: Document prepared by MoLA in 2009 setting out past observations of the City Wall scheduled monument from fieldwork in the area.
C257 London Wall and Blomfield Street Utilities WB FW report.pdf
2014: This report presents the results of watching briefs carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on cable diversion works on the junction between Blomfield Street and London Wall, and a trial hole for the insertion of monitoring equipment outside 41/42 London Wall, both in the City of London, EC2. The utilities work was undertaken by UK Power Networks (UKPN) and the trial hole excavated for Thames Water.
C257 LIS XSZ11 Old Broad Street Watching Brief Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of a general watching brief carried out on Old Broad Street on utilities works that had the potential to encounter the London Wall scheduled monument.
C257 LIS XSZ11 London Wall general watching brief Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report presenting the results of general watching brief carried out on three gas main trial trenches in London Wall, London EC2, in the City of London. These took place in the vicinity of a Scheduled Monument, a section of the Roman and medieval City Wall
C257 XRZ10 LIS Finsbury Circus WB Interim Report.pdf
2012: Interim report setting out the preliminary results from the targeted watching brief carried out during the excavation of a temporary access shaft in Finsbury Circus Gardens.
C257 XRZ10 LIS Finsbury Circus Mitigation Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of the targeted and general watching briefs at Finsbury Circus during the construction of the temporary access shaft.
C257 XRZ10 LIS Finsbury Circus Evaluation WB Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report for the trial trench evaluation in the footprint of the Finsbury Circus Access Shaft and nearby watching brief on utilities diversions.
C257 LIS XRZ10 Finsbury Circus Eval and WB Interim Statement.pdf
2011: This Interim Report covers three phases of archaeological excavation and watching brief carried out at the location of the Finsbury Circus Shaft by the C257 Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA).
C257 XSM10 LIS Broadgate Ticket Hall Utilities Corridor Pile Line and Pit 4 Interim Statement.pdf
2012: Interim statement setting out the results of a number of investigations carried out along the northern pile line of the utilities corridor as well as other test pits and utilities diversions in the area.
C257 XSM10 LIS Broadgate Ticket Hall GWB Evaluation and Excavation Interim Statement.pdf
2011: Interim statement outlining the evaluation, excavation and watching briefs carried out so far at Liverpool Street in the footprint of the Broadgate Ticket Hall.
C257 XSM10 LIS Broadgate Ticket Hall Evaluation Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report for the archaeological trial trench evaluation in Liverpool Street in the footprint of the new Broadgate Ticket Hall.
C257 XSM10 Broadgate Ticket Hall Combined Reporting Pits 4 and 11 Tr 14 and 15 Pile Line and SSET Fieldwork Report.pdf
2012: Interim statement setting out the results of a number of investigations carried out along the northern pile line of the utilities corridor as well as other test pits and utilities diversions in the area.
C257 LIS XSM10 BTH pile line GWB fieldwork report.pdf
2015: This report covers the results of archaeological fieldwork carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) between 19/06/14 and 07/11/14 on the site of the future Crossrail Broadgate Ticket Hall, Liverpool Street, London EC2M, within the City of London, National Grid Reference (NGR) 533050 181610. The report was commissioned from MOLA by Crossrail Ltd.
C257 LIS XSM10 Broadgate Utilities WB and Excavation Combined report.pdf
2012: This report covers a summary of the results from archaeological fieldwork carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) on the site of the future Crossrail Broadgate Ticket Hall, Liverpool Street, London EC2M, within the City of London. The site consists of the new utilities corridor and other utilities diversions within the Broadgate Ticket Hall construction worksite. The report was commissioned from MOLA by Crossrail Ltd. The phases of fieldwork covered in this report include the utilities corridor, sewer shafts MHS1 and MHS2-100 and the open cut sewer diversion. A sewer heading leading from MHS2-100 was undertaken as a general watching brief.
C257 LIS Broadgate Ticket Hall Preliminary Documentary Research Scoping Report.pdf
2012: A scoping report identifying the documentary research potential at the Crosssrail Broadgate Ticket Hall site at Liverpool Street.
C257 LIS XSM10 Built Heritage recording report former Broad street ticket hall and Queen Victoria tunnel
2014: This fieldwork report describes the results of the standing building recording that was carried out at the last remaining part of the former Broad Street Station building called the ‘Broadgate Ticket Hall’, by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA), under Crossrail contract C257 Archaeology Central.
C257 XSB10 LIS 11 12 Blomfield Street Non Listed Built Heritage Recording Report.pdf
2011: English Heritage Level 2 building recording report of 11-12 Blomfield Street.
C257 LIS XSL10 Blomfield Trial Trench Evaluation Fieldwork report.pdf
2012: Fieldwork report setting out the results of the trial trench evaluation carried out in 2011 in the footprint of 11-12 Blomfield Street.
C257 LIS XTB12 Blomfield Box Fieldwork Report
2015: This report presents the results of an excavation, targeted watching brief and site wide general watching brief carried out by Museum of London Archaeology (MOLA) at 11–12 Blomfield, London EC2, in the City of London, on the site of the future Crossrail Blomfield Box for the Liverpool Street Station, at 11–12 Blomfield Street, EC2, in the City of London.
C257 C138 LIS Liverpool Street SS WSI.pdf
2011: Liverpool Street Station Archaeology Site-Specific Written Scheme of Investigation. Several addendum’s were subsequently issued to address construction arrangements.
LIS Schedule 9 Monument Deed Method Statement Verizon Works at Old Broad Street City Wall LO26N.pdf
2011: A Method Statement, produced in accordance with Schedule 1 of the Deed relating to works affecting scheduled monuments in the City of London (Crossrail Act 2008), setting out Verizon utility works at the southern end of Old Broad Street, which had the potential to encounter the scheduled monument – City Wall (LO26N)
C138 XSJ10 LIS Moorgate Shaft Excavation WB Addendum to WSI.pdf
2011: Addendum to WSI setting out the specification for archaeological excavation and watching brief at the Moorgate worksite. This document is an addendum to the Written Scheme of Investigation (C138-MMD-T1-RST-C101-00001) and should be read in conjunction with that document.
C502 LIS XTB12 Blomfield Street Worksite WSI Addendum.pdf
2012: An addendum to the Liverpool Street Written Scheme of Investigation setting out the specifics of archaeological investigations required at the Blomfield Street worksite.
C503 LIS XSM10 Utilities Corridor and Related Activities WSI addendum.pdf
2013: Addendum to the Liverpool Street WSI, setting out the C257 works to be carried out in relation to the construction of the utilities corridor and other C503 construction activities in Liverpool Street.
C138 LIS XSM10 Broadgate Ticket Hall Trial Trench evaluation WSI Addendum.pdf
2011: Addendum to the Written Scheme of Investigation setting out the scope of trial trench evaluation to be undertaken within the footprint of the Broadgate Ticket Hall, Liverpool Street.
LIS XRZ10 Finsbury Circus WSI Addendum.pdf
2011: Addendum to the Written Scheme of Investigation setting out the archaeological programme of works at the Finsbury Circus worksite.
C502 Broadgate ticket hall SS WSI Addendum
2014: WSI addendum describing the phases of main excavation works required at Broadgate Ticket Hall